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Let's start from the beginning though.

"By the day of the inauguration, January 20, 2017, the impeachment hunger was great enough that the Washington Post headlined Matea Gold’s article 'The Campaign to Impeach President Trump Has Begun.'"
Newt Gingrich: The resistance against Trump began the day he was elected -- This is not an impeachment process by Newt Gingrich. Oct. 10, 2019

During the first hoax, RUSSIA, Hillary Clinton bought and paid for a dossier, which was for wire-tapping a Trump Campaign Manager, Carter Paige.

"The revelation that Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) helped fund an explosive dossier about President Trump has roiled the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election."
Clinton, Trump and the Russia dossier: What you need to know by Jonathan Easly, Katie Bo Williams, and Morgan Chalfant - 10/28/17 12:31 PM EDT

Turns out it was actually the Dems who collided with Russia, and as I said Hillary bought and paid for a dirty dossier, oh, we never knew! On to the next piece of proof! So, they said Trump colluded with Russia, but actually, Hillary bought a Russian dossier! Of course we knew it from the start, we cannot be that dumb though, most liberals think that we are though, as well as thinking us of being

"Smelly Walmart People."
- Peter Strzok

Well, if we are so called "Smelly Walmart People," then how come you go to Walmart to, doesn't that make you as smelly as us? I'm just saying. It's true though...