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Why does the approval rates of the party that is supporting impeachment do? Oh yeah, I forgot, they go down, sometimes even tanking. Why does it do that I wonder, well first of all, you should think of why they are doing what they are doing, and think to your self, are those really impeachable offences? Well, the quick answer is no, bit there is a more detailed answer than that. First off, Obstruction of Congress is not even described as a "High crime or misdomenor" in the US Constitution, or any US Official Document.

What is Obstruction of Congress, you might ask, basically it is using Presidential influence to resist Congressional Subpeonas, and stuff like that. You might want to say, it is a thing made up by the socialist democrats to find an illegal thing that Donald J. Trump has done.

Next, Abuse of Power, which is using Presidential power to, let's say, over use that power for personal gain. Well they were going to impeach him on one, Bribary and two, Withholding Forgien Aid. Do you know that the Ukrainian President, and Donald Trump say there was no Quid-Pro-Quo? Well thats true, and that is that, for now.