Foreward:Introduction:Page 1


Merry times around the holidays, right? Wrong, impeachment season it should be called; heck, i can only think of a single national news outlet covering the impeachment fairly! CNN is covering it with liberal bias, NBC is covering it with liberal bias, ABC is covering it with liberal bias, almost everything is covering it with liberal bias; except FOX News. First, the socialist democrats, before canidate Trump was even elected, said that they were going to impeach him. Second, the socialist democrats started a investigation that lasted almost 2 years, called Russia Collusion, or RUSSIA for short, now they finally impeached him, under "evidence" from an Ukraine investigation, bit since the Senate has a Republican majority, it most likely will get shut down during the Senate trial. This whole hoax as a whole has wasted taxpayer dollars and valuble time in Congress to pass laws.